air dust near the ground 近地表大气尘
air dust near ground 近地表大气尘
near surface air flow field 近地面流场
The air-ground interface 地—空界面; 地-空界面
atmospheric dust near ground 近地表降尘
dislocation near the surface 表面附近位错
near the ground explosion 近地空中爆炸
The energy exchange in the near surface layer 近地层能量交换
the near ground space treatment 近地空间处理
displacement of the ground surface 地表沉降
Drip Irrigation Under the Ground Surface 地下滴灌技术
Energy budget on the ground surface 地表能量平衡
settlement of the ground surface 地表沉降
3D simulation of the air-flow field 丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT); 谷丙转氨酶; 丙氨酸氨基转移酶; 三维流场模拟
a castle in the air 空中楼阁
A type of vehicular air-ground missile 某型车载式地空导弹
Absorbed dose rate of the air 空气吸收剂量率
acidification and the air flotation 酸化气浮